Densit 3000 lined pipe

What is densit WearFlex 3000?

Densit® WearFlex 3000 is a trowellable, one-component, high strength, ready mix that provides superior protection against heavy erosive wear, catering for process temperatures up to 400°C (750°F).


  • Highly resistant to erosive and abrasive wear
  • You can easily form any shape without vulnerable joints
  • Seamless graduation in lining thicknesses
  • Tolerates thermal shock
  • Wear linings can be put to use after just 24 hours

Examples of plant equipment and system components lined with Densit® WearFlex:
Grinding mills for clinker, cement, slag and coal; pneumatic conveyor systems for cement, slag and coal; dust extraction equipment; static and dynamic separators; cyclones; flash; chutes, etc.
